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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

26 - 29 weeks

My parents and I went to Mexico, it was a much needed vacation. It was very relaxing and I ate mostly local cuisine which is very limited in salt. As a result, I lost a lot of the water retention in my feet. They are still a full size bigger but I can see my ankles now!

My doctor visits have been going well. I have slightly elevated blood pressure but since I'm not getting headaches or have proteins in my urine, he says it's probably due to stress. I've gained just 9 pounds but the doctor is not concerned. My tummy is measuring properly and I've started feeling him move on a regular basis. Next week is my last monthly visit. Once at 30 weeks I start to go in every 2 weeks. Once at 36 weeks, I go every week until baby comes.

I'm still very much determined to have as little intervention as possible - meaning no induction and no drugs! I suspect that he is breach right now which in NV, requires a C-section. I'm confident that he will turn when he is ready. I have chosen Hypnobirthing for the method I will use to have a natural delivery. It uses guided imagery and deep relaxation techniques to keep the laboring mommy peaceful and calm. My first class is next week. I will also hire a doula to assist on birthday. Unlike a midwife, doula's do not deliver babies. They simply act as a coach for labor or even just an advocate to make sure the doctor and hospital are respecting my birth plan. If you are pregnant, or plan on becoming pregnant - I highly recommend you watch the documentary "The Business of Being Born."

Here's the latest pic of my ever growing tummy. Due to high demand, I'm showing my bare belly this time!

22 - 25 weeks

I have to admit, this month was the most difficult so far. In talking to other women and reading the what to expect when you are expecting books, I expected to feel the best I've ever felt at this mid-way point. I'm not complaining since I didn't suffer in the first trimester but I certainly didn't expect to feel worse. I'm more emotional than I'm used to and honestly, I don't know how to deal. Jimmy certainly isn't used to it either and he's not sure how to handle me.

My feet are so swollen. They grew a full size in just a weeks time. I've resorted to wearing crocs to work which are not very professional and I actually had to cancel some of my presentations because the tightness around my ankles made it very painful to walk or stand. My own mother teased me about how fat my feet were! She made up for it though...her and my brother came down from SLC and helped to complete the new office/guest room to help make room for baby.

Stay tuned, I'll get out of my slump! I'm looking forward to vacation next week and we'll try to get a 4D ultrasound in about three weeks so we should have some exciting updates soon.

18 - 21 weeks. IT'S A BOY!

We are so excited to announce that we are expecting a baby boy! I had a feeling pretty early on that it would be a boy so I wasn't too shocked. Jimmy on the other hand, really wanted a girl first. When the technician told us it was a boy, his response was, "Are you sure?" He asked the tech if she could be looking at the arm and mistaking it for a penis! In the pic below, "P" marks the spot!

I mentioned earlier that the first ultrasound looked like a I'm giving birth to Skeletor! Here's some pics of me and baby at 21 weeks.