Exciting news, we graduated to a regular OB/GYN! My progesterone levels were a little low at first so I stayed under the careful watch of my fertility specialist. I was required to take supplemental pills, get weekly blood tests and ultrasounds but after week 13 we are in the clear. It was a bit of a transition for me to go from having frequent visits to the doctor and being treated very attentively to being just another pregnant woman. It worries me a bit that I will only have three ultrasounds my whole pregnancy when I had three ultrasounds in my first 10 weeks! On the other hand, it feels good to be a "normal" patient. Our new doctor is really cool and friendly and approachable. Most importantly, he is in full support of my birth plan to have as little intervention as possible.
My baby bump is developing, I can't wait until I look pregnant and not just chubby!
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